Monday, November 12, 2012

FirstEnergy, 5 Days Without Power and Investigations

Last week's storm left thousand's of Cleveland Heights resident's without electric service for a number of days. I have requested that the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio investigate First Energy's preparations and response to this storm. Please watch the video and/or read my statement and accompanying letter below. Then, let me know what you think.

Statement from 11/07/2012:

I wanted to talk about last week’s storm and the effects it had on many of you, our residents. 
First, I am happy to hear that Trick –or –Treating went well on its rescheduled night. Cleveland Heights chose to reschedule trick –or-treating because of Superstorm Sandy. It was the right thing to do, because the children of this City deserve to have a fun and safe Halloween. 

A special, Thank you, to our Public works department, Alex Manarino and his great crew which began responding and cleaning up streets of branches, debris, trees and whatever else was out there in such a  quick and professional manner while the storm was still occurring. If only First Energy Corporation were as dedicated and focused on our area as Alex and the Public Works department of Cleveland Heights.

Unfortunately, many residents in Cleveland Heights lost electrical power. Some did not have power for around 5 days. I received calls and emails from residents detailing their plight and requesting help. I was told of children shivering themselves to sleep, hundreds of dollars of food spoiled in the refrigerator and frustration with a lack of communication from First Energy as to when the power might be restored.

How is it that the news was reporting that the wind gusts in the Cleveland area would reach Hurricane level days prior to the storm reaching us, yet, First Energy chose to send 200 local lineman and over 1000 local support staff to the East coast? I don’t know how First Energy reached their decision, but, I certainly know that their decision was wrong. Therefore, I will be sending a letter to the President and CEO of First Energy, Mr. Anthony Alexander to express my frustrations and concerns. As well, I am sending a copy of this letter to the Public Utilities of Ohio commissioners.     

The letter reads:

For additional news articles:


1 comment:

  1. Jason, I agree with your position. But you need to recall that First Energy doesn't really care about those of us who pay their exorbitant rates. Remember these are the same people who brought down the eastern half of the nation and made people think we were attacked again. Took them a long time to admit that they were the culprits, so why would they take responsibility for sending most of their crews east, when we needed at least some of them here
